
Keep up-to-date with the latest Covid-19 reopening policy information.

Upload Documents as an Employee and Employer

Upload Documents as an Employee and Employer

Upload Documents as an Employee and Employer

Preworkscreen has continued to adapt with changing times by developing a document upload system to improve the communication between the employer and employees. Now employees can upload important documents such as vaccination records and COVID-19 test results for their employers to view. Employers can also use this feature to upload company-wide documents like COVID-19 protocols for all employees to view and other important case reports and contact tracing documents pertinent to the pandemic response in the workplace.

Preworkscreen’s latest updates allows employees to upload many important documents such as:
Employers can also upload documents such as:

Preworkscreen’s document upload system makes managing the complexities of coronavirus much easier and more effective. Feel free to demo the document upload system or contact [email protected] for more information, questions, and concerns.